Ghost Bags(TM) were created for people like you. The Extraordinary, the bold , the ones willing to make a real difference.
13 gallon
+1.2mil bag thickness
"A bag that won't come back to haunt you!"
Home&Kitchen YARD & facility BOATs *camping/RV*COMPOST/bins
Anywhere you can think!
1.2ml bag thickness
Pull Close Carry & Tie Draw String
Packaging & DESIGN
Cornstarch Based
Heavy Duty
Superior Strength
Extra Strong
Designed to Stretch
You Can Also Recycle or Compost The Box too!
Representative: #
Breaks Down & Disappears 100% after 180 days in a compost pile.
(extracted from
NON-GMO corn to be extra eco friendly!)
Ghost Bags(TM) are an EXTRA HEAVY DUTY 100% Biodegradable & compostable solution to the traditional waste bag design.
Ghost Bags(TM) 1.2 Mil Thick to stand up to the toughest situations-almost double the thickness of any other bag on the market per class.
Ghost Bags(TM) Feature an integrated carry & close Drawstring.
Ghost Bags(TM) Fully are Certified BPI Compostable (10529004) use in commercial & municipal composting facilities in compliance with US STANDARD ASTM D6400 100% COMPOSTABLE & BIODEGRADABLE
as well as OK compost HOME certification by TUV Austria as 100% compostable in backyard and home composting unit. Based on european standard EN13432. SEEDLING in compliance with Eurpoean Standard 13432 Compostable 7p2139 & Compostable AS4736 ABAP 10056
Carry, Close, Lift & Secure with Integrated Heavy Duty Biodegradable Compostable Draw String